A few days late on my second post, but we’ve been busy. At my house we call it “ROcktober” – concerts and plays and everything in-between. Thankfully we only have one more tonight and then we get a bit of a much needed break.

You see, we love music – kind of runs in our veins in this household. Rarely is music not heard or played on a piano or one of the many guitars in my kids’ rooms.

Last week we had the privilege of seeing Danny Elfman in concert – one of the strangest concerts I’ve ever been to. It was a mix of classical movie soundtracks with punk rock interspersed throughout. I would love to be a fly on the wall when he composes music. The breath of his brilliance is simply amazing. I learned that he picked up his first instrument at 18 years old (that’s 12 years older than I was when I started playing piano!) And I have a strong feeling that he likely plays more eloquently than me. It really was a treat for the eyes and for the ears. I attached a snapshot from the concert: “This is Halloween” from Nightmare Before Christmas (gotta love it!)

Wishing you a happy first day of November.