
Cookie Joy!

Cookie Joy!

I can’t express how much joy this gives me. I finally found the recipe for my mom’s Ka’ak cookie recipe. Ka’ak is a savory middle eastern sesame cookie that pairs perfecty with a cup of coffee or tea. I used to watch my mother make these adorable round bagel-like...

I Don’t Like Wind

I Don’t Like Wind

In 2000, while living in Woodland Hills, a tree fell on my house. I was working down the street and the woman who was caring for my infant son called me to tell me that a big tree came through the roof of my son’s room. The wind was pretty bad that day and the...

ROcktober 2022

ROcktober 2022

A few days late on my second post, but we've been busy. At my house we call it "ROcktober" - concerts and plays and everything in-between. Thankfully we only have one more tonight and then we get a bit of a much needed break. You see, we love music - kind of runs in...

Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!